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Monday, December 17, 2012

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers Of Time Nintendo DS Cheats

Special Missions and bonuses
Enter the following Wonder Mail codes after completing Chapter 10 to unlock the corresponding special mission.
#) >>>>> Code: >>>>> Result:
1) >>>>> 12=W P@TJ K@H1 4++- HMK7 8K3= >>>>> Aerial Ace TM Mt. Horn 11F
2) >>>>> 15+0 6-6Q K2CN KR+# %9K@ %WY9 >>>>> Ampharos Drenched Bluff 5F
3) >>>>> NK99 1452 905& 67N5 7679 @c+@ >>>>> Beauty Scarf
4) >>>>> Y#ST 42FM C4H+ NM@M =T99 9#PR >>>>> Blizzard
5) >>>>> 1RC-M9+90S#T XKQMJH@N34-M >>>>> Blue Gummi
6) >>>>> 6M=7 0HM% -9=X R%C6 NM1# 7F1J >>>>> Blue Gummi
7) >>>>> YTY3 HP5X YHC= 49PM 8NHF 9&YC >>>>> Blue Gummi Drenched Bluff B6F
8) >>>>> YTY3 HP5X YHC= 49PM 8NHF 9&YC >>>>> Blue Gummi Drenched Bluff B6F
9) >>>>> TCM0 #TX2 K-J& X997 %-J2 6@@R >>>>> Blue Gummi Mt. Bristle 9F
10) >>>>> 2J@7 PHST F2PX F=@9 @&22 N#X2 >>>>> Bonsly Mt. Bristle
11) >>>>> FN01 HWN- 00%F 8678 +XY@ &%#3 >>>>> Bottomless Sea Boss Kyogre Water Harmonica reward (increases Water-type Pokemon recruitment)
12) >>>>> H+5M 8JPY SKY+ %43M SJ&Q Y#+2 >>>>> Buneary (Explorers Of Darkness only)
13) >>>>> XR2Y #==@ JYX% 3@2F Q8FQ R@M# >>>>> Burmy (Explorers Of Darkness only)
14) >>>>> 962& 5@91 Y-8H 212X FC@5 WK9- >>>>> Combee (Explorers Of Darkness only)
15) >>>>> N54= MK=F SH1F CR8= R@HN 14#Y >>>>> Dawn Stone
16) >>>>> PJ-F 44%K 9++Q Y0KJ 9KKX R=%% >>>>> Dewgong Steam Cave 7F
17) >>>>> s4nk tf8t 387p -H%X 0M=3 =80% >>>>> Donphan
18) >>>>> JF7X QC92 K0WM 8KM& &7JN H558 >>>>> Dubious Disc
19) >>>>> 10S0-J#@1-N+ =+38-PM%J289 >>>>> Electivire recruitment
20) >>>>> PXJ6 34F4 4Q3F QW&K YRX5 38+= >>>>> Enigma Part
21) >>>>> Y2YS W595 T=XJ 39Y0 TWW2 +RY0 >>>>> Eevee recruitment
22) >>>>> 1R3C C@%9 2QT4 T1%N 9=P% @=H5 >>>>> Farfetch'd Northern Desert 8F
23) >>>>> P+WY W&KF JM4C JC85 H=K% QFM0 >>>>> Frozen Rock (Eevee to Glaceon)
24) >>>>> K%M1 W=69 5Q0= JCF0 53RH S90R >>>>> Garchomp recruitment
25) >>>>> W=1+7@242W9N -KP4TW58@NX1 >>>>> Gastrodon (blue)
26) >>>>> FH0T HYNH R0QF 86N8 +SY@ &%YN >>>>> Giant Volcano Boss Heatran Fire Drum reward (increases Fire-type Pokemon recruitment)
27) >>>>> @q8ST1MF#YRP 6-32MPKY9#&& >>>>> Glailie recruitment
28) >>>>> H7H0 H==@ JF4% 3+Q% +C0T JQSW >>>>> Gold Ribbon
29) >>>>> 1PH1 TKH7 =9MJ NY2T 58-3 3Y90 >>>>> Golden Apple
30) >>>>> @XY7 ST62 98XM 39P7 C3M4 7XM= >>>>> Happiny
31) >>>>> +9RK 4X-& 0YFR P51H X3Y7 H+P& >>>>> Happy Outlook
32) >>>>> Q9T3 2F98 =%Y+ F8&4 TX# TPJ-= >>>>> Hidden Power
33) >>>>> 7==C C3H8 Y+4P 429M Q@CF %7FM >>>>> Hyper Beam
34) >>>>> S45X HW6W J1JT 7MNT 1==5 FN@# >>>>> Iron
35) >>>>> &+PS P28R XJ7X MCKP =3S2 %3KP >>>>> Joy Ribbon
36) >>>>> @470 #%7H H05M =+K2 FJ=J 9T2R >>>>> Joy Ribbon Foggy Forest
37) >>>>> #&#H QTX= KW8& X%MK CRJR 7@89 >>>>> Joy Seed
38) >>>>> +7TM 43-= CT4R 44P5 9M06 =M&2 >>>>> Joy Seed Zero Isle East B31F
39) >>>>> 23+H F199 J1J+ FR0S 5X20 &JPJ >>>>> Kings Rock
40) >>>>> 3PNY =#87 NC45 @CW- S7%H J6T5 >>>>> Lake Afar
41) >>>>> %H#N 33@F 66#5 6%CT 2H9W =4QF >>>>> Landslide Cave
42) >>>>> F=4X T7SH M8+3 #C62 Q37H 3JJ3 >>>>> Leafeon recruitment Serenity River B4F
43) >>>>> =J+7 M199 JRJ+ F-H& M6Y5 &J7M >>>>> Link Cable
44) >>>>> KCT@ C&51 &2S& 6%%W 0WYW #H0- >>>>> Linoone
45) >>>>> YNP5 Q&%9 HP5+ SWK5 60P0 W1%W >>>>> Lost Wilderness
46) >>>>> +C5P J0R4 PYFN CC4K &51 0KRY >>>>> Lunar Ribbon
47) >>>>> J445 H1NT 051@ J++3 30#7 8Q&P >>>>> Luxray recruitment
48) >>>>> HP4W -@TF N7T7 5F#6 6H=7 #7R= >>>>> Magmorter recruitment Apple Woods
49) >>>>> 78SR -H2MP 0+4 Y6FY 1&Y+ #R9S >>>>> Maze Cave Boss Gabite Gabite's Scale reward
50) >>>>> 20SR T5+- X&QC P9@2 ==X9 P#NH >>>>> Midnight Forest
51) >>>>> HF4C J4&X =@16 56YJ C%5M +PRT >>>>> Miltank
52) >>>>> &&HJ QM40 S2SM OM52 RCHK MFJ@ >>>>> Mobile Scarf Crevice Cave 9F
53) >>>>> &+8+ =QX= -6M% 7M4+ +-PS QP%K >>>>> Moon Stone
54) >>>>> 5KTH TPTJ PF6T &0S9 Y45H PQ8K >>>>> Mossy Rock
55) >>>>> 4MP= K98# CT%Y R@-- &P7% %K86 >>>>> Mt. Avalanche Cave Boss Articuno Ice Flute reward (increases Ice-type Pokemon recruitment)
56) >>>>> Q&+2 %1CS S1XM WY-4 8T0T C20Y >>>>> Mt. Mistral
57) >>>>> X%8S WYY+ S-JF PFH@ @##K 5W8K >>>>> Mysterious Jungle Boss Mew Grass Trumpet reward (increases Grass-type Pokemon recruitment)
58) >>>>> R#F& =7R3 R37X +Q+& 6FWK YJN5 >>>>> Oran Forest
59) >>>>> X&=5 -Q&X 2W=K R97X N6CP T=5+ >>>>> Oval Stone
60) >>>>> #S%K +NS8 =3=F 89@Q 3C%5 56&4 >>>>> Pachirisu (Explorers Of Darkness only)
61) >>>>> N@34 8SM9 6-R6 2Q2K #MJ% -6+Y >>>>> Piplup (female)
62) >>>>> 49W= #-MK 3=NH Y378 P444 6M#Q >>>>> Psych Up
63) >>>>> @T1K JYJ4 R4K+ NN@- RKKK JH34 >>>>> Rampardos Drenched Bluff B5F
64) >>>>> 0&%9 =Q&X 2H4K RCT6 XJ9& 5=83 >>>>> Reviver Seed
65) >>>>> 6@YW ST%H +TN& C0K7 Y7#& SQ-7 >>>>> Riolu (Explorers Of Darkness only)
66) >>>>> C=RS QTC- 3S%T M#QQ 8&FW CJ40 >>>>> Riolu (Explorers Of Darkness only)
67) >>>>> MX81 6@-W 74&R PMN- X@K- H0H4 >>>>> Roost
68) >>>>> 0K3% 1Y&W H3M4 4P6R &RW0 +-PW >>>>> Rotom (Explorers Of Darkness only)
69) >>>>> '@Q-# -RPY S4H+ %SQM #4PQ N0X0 >>>>> Safeguard
70) >>>>> PQ1R -KQ@ CFXC WF55 0XN1 6H0C >>>>> Serenity River
71) >>>>> S6P& 198+ -5QY R&22 FJMK W1XF >>>>> Serenity River X-Scissor reward
72) >>>>> 33SC 7WNH &P8F 8QFX %0#- 43R4 >>>>> Shiftry
73) >>>>> 8#QX 4Q&X WWFK R17% -#9F 5=C9 >>>>> Shimmer Hill
74) >>>>> #&S6 NY2& YJN= 1P57 F0MN MH7Y >>>>> Shimmering Desert Boss Groudon Earth Cymbal reward (increases Ground-type Pokemon recruitment)
75) >>>>> HW+8 66%T 5S51 +J5Y 4-K# H@P- >>>>> Sky Stairs Boss Rayquaza Flying Pianaca reward (increases Flying-type Pokemon recruitment)
76) >>>>> PMJ- &T@9 =5H3 H4H0 +&X0 =@%J >>>>> Smeargle
77) >>>>> 6YMY 27FM FRW2 MKTP T9J4 NRM0 >>>>> Stamina Band
78) >>>>> S=W7 3&8S 2CSQ 0-7Y HP3+ H260 >>>>> Stone Plate
79) >>>>> %1T7 #TWY J+96 0-47 &W@= J+Q@ >>>>> Sun Ribbon
80) >>>>> 0T&Y FQ7C JHH8 M7W# MKK1 -M1% >>>>> Swords Dance
81) >>>>> WNWY JXTK &5C1 4N3- P4NM 8K&C >>>>> The Great Hole Boss Giratina Rock Megaphone reward (increases Rock-type Pokemon recruitment)
82) >>>>> #PS9 QK50 3PPN F@+Q TX#-HQ7T >>>>> Tiny Meadow
83) >>>>> FCCS #09= 5T+6 Y#03 3P@Y PQ#@ >>>>> Tiny Meadow
84) >>>>> SNYK F+3- ##R& &X5T RM6J 9-RF >>>>> Tiny Meadow
85) >>>>> 7P5J -12X TKXQ 9C=X TPHW F1FR >>>>> TM Blizzard
86) >>>>> 4-13 P@1X S%45 H5WS 084& P+-R6 >>>>> TM Dig
87) >>>>> 6S+& 2YNC 655F 8JF4 CF27 P%Q@ >>>>> TM Flamethrower
88) >>>>> QM5= @J4J #+8= &H48 Q2%4 J1K3 >>>>> TM Grass Knot
89) >>>>> P%#F RRFX P2@0 6Y31 PCQ8 K@7@ >>>>> TM Overheat
90) >>>>> %Y-7 J2H8 3HWH @=1P P6YM 9S7J >>>>> TM Poison Jab
91) >>>>> HXK8 8-NS -XJ5 X0W@ W8NS S#HT >>>>> TM Psychic
92) >>>>> 9%Y7&695TYHJ 34XYTR4J=RJ3 >>>>> TM Recycle
93) >>>>> TKTW W=TK 5WJ# 3WFR 0C10 K01X >>>>> Tyranitar recruitment
94) >>>>> M-@J HFCC CMR8 &WS# 1=01 =TW& >>>>> Vacuum-Cut
95) >>>>> 4N%Q 8M64 M3XQ 8P03 70XW -XM3 >>>>> Weavile (female) recruitment
96) >>>>> %1K4 W36M H3KP WS0R S&PJ 8QJP >>>>> X-ray Specs
97) >>>>> WTN1 XQ9C Q8#4 QR%J N468 F8F# >>>>> Yanmega Crystal Cave B8F
98) >>>>> @WWH K8X1 8@C+ C8KT N51H #213 >>>>> Zinc Band

To be able to evolve your starter and partner you have to beat all of the boss pokemon and recruit Dialga and Palkia. When you try to evolve before that it won't let you because you are involved in a matter in space and that is only because there is still a little bit of the storyline after you beat the game.

Recruit Articuno and get the Ice Flute
To recruit Articuno you must first unlock Mt. Avalanche. Then you have to follow all the floors until you get to the end. At the end Articuno will challenge you to battle. Defeat him and then a small yellow box will appear. Get it and Articuno will appear again. He will then ask to join your team.

How to evolve your starters
Go to Spacial Reef and recruit Palkia also after you beat the game (which means that you defeated Darkrai) Creselia will be waiting for you at Sharpedo Bluff and will ask to join your team then do some random missions for a while (sentry duty doesn't count) then Chatot will come running to you and tell you that Manaphy has returned and is waiting for you at the beach he is going to ask to join your team then do a few more missions then Manaphy will come running to tell you that he found a new dungeon called Marine Resort then you can go to Luminous Lake and evolve your starters (you don't need to explore Marine Resort or get Dialga to join your team to evolve but you can do those things if you want to).

Defeating Primal Dialga/Dialga
To defeat Primal Dialga/Dialga, you must be at least level 45. Also bring four to six Reviver Seeds because he knows Roar Of Time which causes a lot of damage. If you get the chance, throw a Sleep Seed at him to take a bit of health away. He has about 500 HP. Also, change your partner's moves. If done correctly, you will defeat Dialga and finish the game. On the second visit after the credits, go back and kill him again so that you can recruit him; it will help with Bosses later on.

Easy Reviver Seeds
After you graduate the guild, you can do sentry duty whenever desired. If you get a perfect score, you will get 300 to 500 coins and three other items. The first one is usually a scarf or bow of some kind, the second is always a Reviver Seed, and the last item can be anything. It is very easy and can be done as many times as needed.

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